Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Max for Live Basics Addendum: Quick Hints and Tips

This is an addendum for the Max for Live Basics Tutorials.

Quick Hints and Tips
1) Option click on an object to bring up the help. in the help window, the question mark tab will include a list of "see also..." objects. This is a useful way to explore related objects.

2) Black patch cables are data lines. Yellow patch cables are audio lines. Click and drag to select multiple object without selecting the patch cables. Option click and drag multiple objects including the patch cables.

3) Max for Live differentiates between numbers with decimal points (floating point values) and numbers without decimal points (integer values). Make sure that you use number with decimal points where appropriate! This applies to scale, /, *, +, -, pack, unpack, select etc. In the following example, there is a floating number box going to two scale objects. The first scale object has the arguments 0. 100. 0. 10. (i.e. with decimals). The second scale object has the arguments 0 100 0 10 (i.e. without the decimals). Watch the result!

4) Remember that multiple points of audio can be sent from and to audio inlets and outlets - but beware that doing so sums the signals together, and you might end up with clipping! See the example below.

5) In order to troubleshoot your patch, there are a number of useful objects that can be used:

• The print object prints out data to the Max window - to see the Max window, press command m. You can connect numbers, floats, messages, words but not audio signals to the print object.

• The number box (just press i in a patcher) lets you quickly display any integer values.

• The float number box (just press f in a patcher) lets you quickly display any floating point values.

• The meter~ object is a signal meter for audio. Just connect an audio signal to visually test any signal

• The numbox~ object is a number box for audio. Just connect an audio signal

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