Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DK bongos on mac

Consider that here we have an interface that is a videogame console controller designed with a pseudo-instrumental appearance and functionality in mind that controls a game which is basically a classic platformer using simplified musical gestures. This is why i find the concept of making music with a set of Donkey Konga bongos an interesting one.

Should be easy. The SuperJoyBox 13 (pictured in front of the bongos) is compatible with Mac OSX (despite what the box says). It appears as a USB HID device and can be routed into Max/MSP via the hi object.

Element 21 is the microphone, with data ranging from 9 to 136. Elements 6 and 5 are the high left and right bongos, whilst elements 4 and 3 are the low left and right sensors. The start button appears as element 10.