This is an update to the analog and digital inputs to MIDI data sketch. The update allows one to select individual channels for each controller as well as individual on and off controller values for each digital switch. This sketch has not been tested.
The new variable arrays are:
byte ana_channel[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
This array sets the channel numbers for the pots 1 - 8.
byte dig_channel[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
This array sets the channel numbers for the switches 1 - 8
byte cc_on_byte[] = {127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127}
This array sets data to send if button is pressed for switches 1 - 8
byte cc_off_byte[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
This array sets data to send if button is depressed for switches 1 - 8
Arduino Code
Digital and Analog Data to MIDI Output
by Sebastian Tomczak
Adelaide, Australia
Created: 8 November 2007
Modified: 9 November 2007
byte ana_cc[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
; // set controller numbers for the pots 1 - 8
byte dig_cc[] = {
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
; // set controller numbers for the switches 1 - 8
byte ana_channel[] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
; // set the channel numbers for the pots 1 - 8
byte dig_channel[] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
; // set the channel numbers for the switches 1 - 8
byte cc_on_byte[] = {
127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127}
; // set data to send if button is pressed for switches 1 - 8
byte cc_off_byte[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
; // set data to send if button is depressed for switches 1 - 8
byte latchPin = 10;
// set the latch pin
byte clockPin = 11;
// set the clock pin
byte dataPin = 12;
// set the data in pin
byte data_ana_cc[] = {
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255}
; // keep track of analog data
byte data_dig_cc[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
; // keep track of digital data
byte data = 0;
// variable for general use
byte digital_data = 0;
// variable to store the state of the 8 switches
byte state = 0;
// variable to store the data that is shifted in
void setup() {
void loop() {
digitalWrite(latchPin, 0);
for (byte j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
digitalWrite(clockPin, 0);
state = digitalRead(dataPin);
if (state) {
if(data_dig_cc[j] != 1) {
Serial.print(175 + dig_channel[j]);
data_dig_cc[j] = 1;
else {
if(data_dig_cc[j] != 0) {
Serial.print(175 + dig_channel[j]);
data_dig_cc[j] = 0;
digitalWrite(clockPin, 1);
digitalWrite(latchPin, 1);
for(byte i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { PORTD = i * 4; data = analogRead(0) >> 3;
if(data_ana_cc[i] != data) {
Serial.print(175 + ana_channel[i]);
data_ana_cc[i] = data;
This project is fantastic. Is there a way to make a 16-step version as well. I am trying to make a sequencer for a VCO that generates sin, tri and square waves using the Arduino as a controller. Do you have suggestions?
Hi there Brian,
If with 16 step you mean 16 pots, then yeah - easy.
Add another 4051 and simply connect the common output to Arduino analog in 1.
Naturally, the code will need some adjustment, but you get the idea.
How are you planning on controlling the VCO from the Arduino?
Hang on, the code will need quite a bit of adjustment.
But very easy and very doable. The only question is; how are you planning on controlling the voltage using the analog data from the pots using the Arduino? Perhaps an 8 bit digital pot that is acting as a voltage divider from ground to supply might be appropriate?
The project is based on an old ICL8038 chip. The VCO will be controlled by either a 555 or 556 similar to the Atari Punk Console project. But i will need to add an ADSR, or some sort of pulse width.
Have you posted the code for your project? The only work I have done with the Arduino this far is a wearable jacket that uses RGB leds. This audio thing is quite new to me.
Phwoar, this looks the ducks guts :)))
I am using your basic design to build a MIDI controller with 16 pots and 8 buttons. I did my code a bit different, using the Arduino playground code for decoding the 4051 but it is very similar. I have the first version up and running on a breadboard. I'll be moving to protoboards and a makeshift box for the next evolution. I have a picture of the prototype here.
My loop code looks like this:
void loop() {
for(byte i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { // Loop to iterate through all 8 input pins on the 4051
// Setup the 4051 to read the pin we want
row = bin[i];
r0 = row & 0x01;
r1 = (row>>1) & 0x01;
r2 = (row>>2) & 0x01;
digitalWrite(s0pin, r0);
digitalWrite(s1pin, r1);
digitalWrite(s2pin, r2);
// Read in the value from the 4051
data = analogRead(zpin)/8;
if(data_ana_cc_a[i] != data) {
data_ana_cc_a[i] = data;
digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);
I am using the same types of arrays that you used in your example here. I have two of them setup, one for each 4051 with pots, and one for the third 4051 that will have buttons.
I blink an LED once every time I send a MIDI value for debugging ... and it just looks cool :)
I'll post more pics as the project progresses. It's an xmas present for a buddy of mine.
One thing i don't understand is:
How are your reading the value from the pots?
so what happened since 2007? Has it been tested?
Hi, I'm a beginner in electronics and I have built this project. On Arduino I get this error message:
sketch_sep04c:0: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '&&' token
sketch_sep04c.cpp: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_sep04c:68: error: 'status_byte' was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep04c:76: error: 'status_byte' was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep04c:88: error: 'status_byte' was not declared in this scope
(I have replaced the switch with buttons...)
Besides, in the monitor view's baudrate menu 31250 does not show.
Is there anybody out there to help?:88: error: 'status_byte' was
Is this project not supported anymore? obsolete?
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