Sunday, December 16, 2007


This morning i have been working on a basic Wacom to MIDI patch. Currently, the patch features the following:
  • The tablet's drawing area is divided into eight sections (a grid of four horizontal and two vertical divisions).
  • Each division can send either note on / off information with velocity data or continuous controller data.
  • If the lower button of the graphire 3 pen is pressed and the pen makes contact with an area on the tablet, then a note on message is sent.
    • In this case, the pitch is predetermined by the user and the velocity is determined by the horizontal position of the pen within that area of the tablet.
  • If the lower button of the graphire 3 pen is not pressed and the pen makes contact with an area on the tablet, then continuous controller messages are sent.
    • In this case, the controller number is predetermined byt he user and the controller value is determined by the horizontal position of the pen within that area of the tablet.
  • The MIDI out device and channel are set globally for all eight areas.


Poppi said...

Is this an insane amount of work you are managing to complete and post about each day?..but perhaps you call it "play"..? Either way I'm impressed.

[MV & I are wondering] when the mythological week-long milkcrate due to take place?

Sebastian Tomczak said...

but they are all fun things i am doing! so not work at all.

anyway, i have started to read through your most recent MASSIVE post -- nice work, btw.

in regards to the week-long milkcrate - i am thinking early january. but if you are both interested in coming along i can structure the timeframe almost completely around you guys.

please email me to discuss.

ps. i still need your postal address to send your adaptor.

charles boyd said...

so maybe i'm stupid
and not terribly computer savvy
but I can't figure out how to use that patch in maxmsp
i just got both and aren't really that familiar with it.
if you could enlighten me, it'd be super helpful.