Saturday, January 12, 2008

Useful Max/MSP Encapsulations

Here are some encapsulations i have been using in Max/MSP recently. There is nothing here that is really exciting, but i have found these patches useful of late. Perhaps the program already has objects that perform some of these or similar functions. I don't know.

separates a byte into bits

inlet 1: 8 bit byte as decimal integer (0 - 255)
outlet 1 - 8: bits 7 to 0 (from most significant to least significant)
outlet 9: bits 7 to 0 as a list (from most significant to least significant)

merges bits into a byte
inlet 1 to 8: bits 7 to 0 (from most significant to least significant)
outlet 1: 8 bit byte as decimal integer (0 - 255)

returns π correct to six decimal places
inlet: anything (trigger)
outlet: π

converts degrees to radians
inlet: degrees as a float (0. - 360.)
outlet: radians

provides a fake convergence point
inlet: anything
outlet: anything

converts ms to Hz
inlet: ms or Hz int or float
outlet: Hz or ms (dependent on input) int or float

rounds a float to the nearest integer
inlet: float
outlet: int



Eric Maden said...

how does one use pi in Max/MSP?

Sebastian Tomczak said...

Well, in this case, if you want pi you just send a bang to the sto.pi object.

comprar un yate said...

So, I do not really believe it will have effect.