Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Package


Rob Duarte said...


Sebastian Tomczak said...

lol, no.

It's a surprise. Even for me.

Among other things, it contains objects to do a milkcrate session with! The youtube user ES from America sent this to me.

Sebastian Tomczak said...

But i won't open it until i start the milkcrate, you see...

unknown said...

And you're certain it doesn't contain musical (or otherwise restricted) items?

Anonymous said...


Sebastian Tomczak said...

@ Martin: Well, i think it might contain some CDs with music on them. But what is a CD without a player? Nothing but a polycaronate substrate surface, right?

@ Evilpaul: Indeed.

10k said...

Nice address. hahahahaha. ANTHRAX AHOY!

You know I am kidding.

Sebastian Tomczak said...

ttfm&tf? i assume this is you!

Tristan Louth-Robins said...

The suspense is killing me.

Sneak a peek, you know you want to...there could be a head in there.

Ben said...

I would be a little more wary of having your address on a public blog.

Unless you want 'longer lasting sex'...

Sebastian Tomczak said...

yeah, you're right, probert.
i've censored it now.

Anonymous said...

Its a mummified cat. Incapable of meowing, so perfectly within the parameters of the project ;)

Sebastian Tomczak said...

lol, that would be quite disturbing!