Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Free Webspace for Chiptune Storage

If anyone would like some free space, drop me a line at seb (dot) tomczak (at) gmail (dot) com.

I can set you up with an FTP account etc. The space would be a sub directory of milkcrate.com.au/

So, for example, if someone was wanting some space to host a zipped (chiptune - related) album w/ artwork etc, without having to go through a service such as megaupload or what not, this could be a way to do just that. Then the URL to such an album would be http://milkcrate.com.au/yourname/album.zip

Maybe this would be useful for some? I don't know. But please, if you're interested, let me know.

If you are interested, please send me an email with:
• Subject of the email should be 'Chiptune Storage'
• What you want your username to be
• What you want your FTP password to be

This intended to be specifically for 8-bit related stuff that you have made that doesn't break any copyright or licenses (ie. your original 8-bit music / movies / images etc). I will be checking these directories on a regular basis, so don't even think about uploading your porns or your scams.