Wednesday, December 22, 2010

glitchNES As Audio Controller / Glitch Music Remix Tool

I thought it might be fun to use No Carrier's glitchNES as a tool to remix and control audio. I used a Max/MSP patch that I made quite a while ago to grab pixel colour data from 16 pixels across glitchNES' visual output. Each pixel sends its greyscale data as well as red, green and blue data as a MIDI control change value every 40 ms. This makes for 64 streams of MIDI data, which are then used to manipulate 16 copies of the same song, in terms of loop start point, loop length, filter frequency and volume. Let me know if you want a copy of the Max/MSP patch etc.


Chad said...

Very, very nice. Would love a copy of the Max patch for further investigation.

paul said...

oh man, i gotta have a copy of this. just recently started using giltchNES and i'm always trying to come up with new ways to use it.
you can get my email address from my profile

BrassArthurRider said...

Same here, would like to check this out.

Unknown said...

hey, i'm way interested in a copy of the max/msp patch and/or further info on this! joythief(at)gmail(dot)com