Friday, January 13, 2023

RNBO and Max with Raspberry Pi - 02 - Adding Pots

This video shows how to get started with RNBO and Max with Raspberry Pi. We take the delay patch built in the previous tutorial and set up some potentiometers and a button to control it, wired directly to the Raspberry Pi and interacting with the RNBO patch.

Links and resources: High resolution photo of the breadboard: Lydexic’s excellent tutorial: Gpiozero: Pyliblo: Raspberry Pi header: MCP3008 Datasheet: Python script to copy and paste: Terminal commands: ssh pi@[IP address of PI] sudo apt install liblo-dev pip install pyliblo3 nano python 00:00 - Introduction 00:55 - Items required 02:39 - Python libs 03:49 - Why MCP3008? 04:28 - Setting up breadboard - adding MCP3008 05:05 - MCP3008 pinout 05:10 - Connections between MCP3008 and Pi 06:54 - Setting up pots 07:18 - Cap, gnd and 3v3 for MCP3008 08:52 - Setting up pots 10:46 - Button on breadboard 11:27 - Signals from pots to ADC 12:24 - Adding caps to pots 13:22 - Put knobs on pots 13:59 - Placing pots on breadboard 14:39 - Turning off Pi 14:45 - Pi ground 15:14 - Pi 3v3 16:00 - Pi MOSI 18:24 - Pi MOSI 19:14 - Pi clock 19:47 - Pi chip select 21:13 - Pi button 21:46 - Explaining the button toggle action 22:18 - Booting Pi 22:51 - Opening Terminal 23:06 - SSH into Pi 23:26 - Install pyliblo 24:51 - Make new nano document 25:11 - Paste python code 25:15 - Save as new document on Pi 25:19 - How does the code work? 28:47 - Python script running 29:10 - Parameters web interface 30:00 - Summary