I love the sounds of the Atari 2600. I made a MIDI interface that gives you full control over the sound output of an Atari 2600.
Watch a demo video here.
I really want to thank Paul Slocum and all of the fantastic work that he has done for the inspiration.
I have created an announcements group for this project here.
The Video doesn't work :P
Seb, some dudes over at SMS Power showed me this last night http://badideas.webicommerce.com/MIDIface.html
This looks pretty interesting too, I may have to get some bread boards and have a look at it sometime.
this is great man. you are doing huge things for the world of chip. I cannot wait to see what people can do with these interfaces you are creating.
The video works now and stuff.
One little-scale for chip, one HUGE LEAP for chipkind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, hi dotdummy, thanks for visiting :)
this works with or without the synthcart?
i own an atari 2600jr, but it's the european version, so the synthcart doesn't work fine with it, and i'm looking forward to stick midi into it without limitations, only with the console itself...
erik: this has nothing to do with synthcart :) just MIDI control over the Atari
Are you gonna post some how-to?
I declare myself very interested! ; )
hi erik,
this will be available at some stage. i am not sure yet of the form it will take (instructions / kit / finished and tested).
No synthcart required? wow :)
Great! Can't wait... I'm in!
been some time..
i would really like to buy/build one.
is this possible, or has the project been abandoned?
Like Newk, i want to build my own midi interface...
Is it possible to find some schematics/code or links anywhere ?
Quite effective material, thank you for the article.
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