Sunday, August 23, 2015

Vectrex Controller to USB HID Joystick

Made with a Teensy 2.0 in the Arduino IDE using the Teensyduino add-on. Download the code here.

The hardware set up is simple - the Vectrex controller end has nine pins. These should be connected to the Teensy as follows:

Vectrex pin 1 to Teensy digital pin 0
Vectrex pin 2 to Teensy digital pin 1
Vectrex pin 3 to Teensy digital pin 2 
Vectrex pin 4 to Teensy digital pin 3
Vectrex pin 5 to Teensy analog pin 0 
Vectrex pin 6 to Teensy analog pin 1
Vectrex pin 7 to Teensy 5V
Vectrex pin 8 to Teensy ground
Vectrex pin 9 to Teensy ground

The Teensy pinout can be found here. The Teensy should be set to joystick mode in the Arduino IDE under Tools > USB Type.