Saturday, May 09, 2020

Network Foot Switch Controlling ATEM Mini Pro

I needed a way to switch cameras without using my hands. 

I connected a simple on / off foot switch from a music keyboard to a Teensy, and I added a Wiznet Wiz820io to the SPI port. I then used AtemOSC to receive network OSC messages from the Teensy to auto transition between camera shots. 

Connecting the WizNet 820io is as follows:
• Wiznet 820io GND, GND, GND are connected to Teensy GND
• Wiznet 820io 3.3V, 3.3V are connected to Teensy 3.3V
• Wiznet 820io PWDN is connected to Teensy 3.3V
• Wiznet 820io nRESET is connected to Teensy digital pin 9
• Wiznet 820io nSS is connected to Teensy digital pin10
• Wiznet 820io MOSI is connected to Teensy digital pin11
 • Wiznet 820io MISO is connected to Teensy digital pin12
• Wiznet 820io SCLK is connected to Teensy digital pin 13

The code can be downloaded here:

As long as the IP address of the computer running the switching software is correct in the Arduino sketch, then atemOSC should see the incoming messages for control. The ATEM Mini Pro needs to be on the same network as the computer and the foot switch.