Wednesday, August 19, 2009

mxj gol: Game of Life Max/MSP Object

I have made a very simple max object in order to use the Game of Live by Conway with the LCD object in Max/MSP.

Here is an overview of the arguments, inlets and outlets.

- Argument 1 is the width of the LCD in pixels
- Argument 2 is the height of the LCD in pixels

- Inlet 1 is the trigger to generate the next iteration (via a bang)
- Inlet 2 is the R colour output component
- Inlet 3 is the G colour output component
- Inlet 4 is the B colour output component
- Inlet 5 should be connected to the gated output from the LCD (see below)
- Inlet 6 should be connected to the gated output from the LCD (see below)

Patch Example

Download and Install
Get the .class file here and the .jav file here.
Move to the directory: Max 5 > Cycling '74 > java > classes
To use in a patch, create a new object box and type mxj gol [xwidth] [ywidth]
To edit, create a new object box and type mxj quickie gol

Video Example


Chris said...

Thinking about mapping this to music like you mentioned the other day, there's always the option of doing something similar to the stuff you did with the vectrix and LDRs.
It would allow you to write your "score" as the starting state, and if you included the ability for random states, would create some pretty excellent outcomes.
If I had max I'd be playing around with this.

Unknown said...

I just stumbled across this and I must say: awesome job! I've been thinking about doing the same thing for a while. Now to connect it to sound like Chris suggested.