I thought I would share some of the work that Chris Guy (aka God in Pants) has been doing. He recently modified his Game Boy with a 2MHz switchable crystal.
The interesting thing is that he found a switch that fits nicely in the (I suppose) rarely used DC input jack hole in the GB chassis. I like it!
Fantastic idea, really well executed. The switch placement was a neat trick!
That's sick! Well done Godinpants! I might have to make a switcher so I can carry one less gb with me...
I go away to watch tv for a minute and you've managed to blog this before I did!
Good to see my work is approved.
Awesome work, Chris!
Good to see people support Chris, even through his symbolic adoption, and then destruction of his gay pride ribbon wires.
Yes! Awesome work! I've been meaning to do this for ages. I've got a ~2.09MHz (massive xtal) slow boy but I want to make it switchable. The switch in place of the DC in socket is a great discovery.
I'll be sure to do the Underpants Mod soon! ;)
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