Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to: Update the GenMDM Firmware

1. Go to http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html and download the Teensy loader application for your operating system.

2. Locate and download the GenMDM firmware update file. This file will always have the name of GENMDM_NNN.cpp.hex, where NNN is the version number. The file type will always be .cpp.hex.

3. Open the Teensy loader application, and drag and drop the .cpp.hex file. You can also go to File > Open HEX File. 

4. Click on the 'Auto' button. 

5. Connect your GenMDM interface via a USB cable, and click the tiny black button on the top of the interface. If your GenMDM interface and SEGA is hooked up so that you can hear the sound, you should be able to hear the updated version loading sound. This indicates that the firmware has been loaded successfully!


gear khk said...

bagus banget